January 27, 2023

Wetlands Trading Company

Basye, VA

I was pleased to see that this store reopened near Bryce Resort. It is now a gourmet grocery and garden center, or rather, it is going to be. They are just gearing up right now. Soon they'll be serving fresh coffee.

When we lived up there, we passed it every time we went to town. I remember when a gentleman named Jim operated a landscaping business there. He was known for building decorative ponds.


  1. I like the rocking chairs - but I LOVE that wood with the pig's face :)

  2. Good luck with their new business. If they have good coffee that should start to draw in the clientele.

  3. ...I like the weather vane.

  4. It's always nice to see a new endeavor replacing the old, many hopes for success in this iteration.

  5. That weather vane is quite something.

  6. I'd need a big padded cushion on those rocking chairs! lol

  7. I do like the weather vane, it's a little different.

    All the best Jan

  8. Quite a beautiful glimpse into the rural township


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