November 14, 2022

Under the Sea in Plastic

Berkeley Springs, WV

 I was surprised to find this mural in the theater room of the “Ice House,” home to a gallery of the Morgan Arts Council. This is a mosaic made of repurposed plastic by students at the Warm Springs Intermediate School. Sea creatures are being affected by plastic that makes its way into the ocean.


  1. The art works look magnificent though

  2. Great art work and lots of imagination using plastic bottle caps. I've been collecting them for people that do art works with them. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda

  3. Wow, what a beautiful mural, it is cool that is made from plastic! Take care, have a great day!

  4. Such an important message to get out to the world and the students are to be congratulated for doing it in such a creative way. I hope people take note and start to modify their habits.

  5. ...I'm glad that you found it.

  6. That’s brilliant! An important message for us all.

  7. A very inspired mural which has such bright colors, it surely will get the message out.

  8. Those are very pretty, but sad that the pictures are made from ocean trash. In Bandon, Oregon some artist made large fish sculptures out of plastic he'd found in the ocean.

  9. An amazing mural with a very important message.

    All the best Jan

  10. Wow ... there are fantastic Mosaics. Thank you so much for sharing. I believe it is very positive making it from trash. There are to much trash in the oceans.

    Wish you y very good time.


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