November 1, 2022

Soft Furry Dog

The November theme for City Daily Photo is "Soft." Charlie has soft fur and ears.

He gave me a funny look when I told him the steak was all gone. I had given him a leftover steak, cut into pieces, with his dog food. He gobbled it down and looked for more.


  1. ...he doesn't look sleepy today.

  2. What a look, Mom, where's the steak!

  3. He loved that steak. Good choice for the theme.

  4. Where's the beef, Charlie ate it. Wonderful choice for the theme.

  5. Sure, it will be soft to touch! Looks like a proud dog

  6. Oh that expression - priceless.

  7. Aww such lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  8. Charlie looks like a heck of a dog. I think we are getting one this weekend if everything works out right.


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