November 7, 2022

Seen at Shenandoah University

I spent Saturday morning at Shenandoah University in Winchester. As I was leaving, I saw this mural at the Brandt Student Center.

Monday Murals / Blue Monday

Shenandoah University has a nice campus. I've been to a number of seminars there. This was on General Robert Milroy and his occupation of Winchester during the American Civil War.

Our speaker was Jonathan Noyalas of the university’s McCormick Civil War Institute. He wrote a book about Milroy called My Will is Absolute Law. The lecture was fascinating. Unfortunately I was not able to stay for the tour in the afternoon. I have been to some of the sites before, but others were new to me.

I have enjoyed a number of Noyalas’s talks and tours, beginning in 2008. There is much to learn from the history of the Civil War. In some ways our history seems appalling.  I don’t think it is something to celebrate so much as it is something to learn from.

Note: Tomorrow is election day here. The local races in my town are not even contested; I guess not too many people want those jobs. But voting puts our officials on notice that we are paying attention to what they do. Be sure to vote.



  1. You are doing a justice for this campus

  2. I agree, learn from it but don't celebrate it.

  3. The mural is beautiful, I love it. Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. How nice to put a beautiful scene on that blank wall!

  5. Great mural. Looks like you could walk right in it. :)

  6. Wow, what a beautiful mural. It would have been quite difficult to pay the brick wall. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  7. Linda - I completely agree that history can be appalling, and I can only pray that we learn from it! Have a terrific weekend!

  8. I`m late ... nevertheless, I admire the Mosaic here. It`s wonderful. I`m a great fan of quotes.

    Thank you, being part of MosaicMonday


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