September 24, 2022

Charlie and the Scary Beasts

Charlie here. Let's talk about animals because something scary happened.

Normally I like animals. I like dogs and it's fun seeing animals from the car window. Also, small critters are interesting. I don’t know what any of them are called unless they’re dogs.

One day Mom was going to take me to the dog park, but when we got there she saw four dogs going in and she said that was too many. So we didn't get out of the car. She said she would take me somewhere else for a nice walk.

We drove a little way and got out of the car and walked across a little bridge. We went through a gate and then we stopped because there were some beasts in the distance and they looked at us. Then they started walking towards us and they were really, really big! And they looked hungry!

it was scary. I could hear their big feet thundering across the earth and they were headed for me. I was so glad when we got back through the gate and closed it, but they came up and looked over the fence. I ran back across the little bridge and got back in the car as fast as I could. Mom closed the door and we escaped.



  1. Hello Linda :=)
    Dogs are the best! Lovely photos of yours! Cattle can look quite threatening when running towards you. I exspect they thought it was a meal time.

  2. The ear tag looks like a new fashion accessory in the last shot for the cow :)

  3. Dogs in Virginia are very articulate I must say.

  4. Cows are perpetually curious about so much, including dogs.

  5. Wonderful pictures! Yes, one cow is a curiosity, a whole lot of them, all headed in your direction, can be a bit scary.

  6. Great photos! Charlie just wants to have fun. :)

  7. Aww I did like this post, it made me smile :)

    All the best Jan

  8. Aww..what a lovely postie😸Double Pawkisses just for you🐾😽💞

  9. I'm glad you survived your day, Charlie. Cows are so scary when they are curious. Tell your mommy she takes very nice photos. You are a very handsome dog.

  10. Cute post, I am glad you were able to still take a walk. The cows are big critters. Cute photos. Sorry, I am late visiting this weekend. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, Have a happy new week ! PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.


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