July 8, 2022

Something New at Seven Bends State Park

Our local state park has a new feature that I will explain to you in a few seconds. After we explore that, we’ll see what’s blooming in the children’s garden.

What’s new is that the natural play space has finally opened near the Hollingsworth Road entrance. It has been under construction for a long time, and after the work was completed, a safety inspection had to be done.

Here we see a tunnel that children can crawl through and a shortened version of the Woodstock Tower. 

The tower is pretty irresistible. Small children should be accompanied by an adult because climbing down may be scarier than going up.

From the tower you can look down and see how the path curves back and forth like the bends of the Shenandoah. The park was named for these bends. Small hills were built in this play area and the tower stands on one that represents the Massanutten mountains.

A small but varied garden is near the play area. it is in full bloom and attracting pollinators.

Seven Bends State Park 


  1. Seven Bends State Park looks like a nice way to spend a day. Do you live nearby?

  2. A nice park with many possibilities of activities

  3. What a lovely place! I love that first view, with the reflections in the water and the threatening clouds in the background.

  4. I am still trying to figure out how this is "natural" play space.

    1. Although it didn’t just grow there, the materials are natural rather than plastic.

  5. Hello,
    Looks like a fun park, I love the flowers and the river view. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  6. Great to mimic the surrounding terrain for play area...a new one for me!

  7. The tower steps look a bit scary! Love your photo of that tunnel.

  8. Nice park. The tower looks irresistable, as does the tunnel! I like the curvy pathway that mimics the river.

  9. nice BW shot but I love the tunnel and the way they created it. :)

  10. Hermoso parque te mando un beso.

  11. What a nice play and explore space to be able to take children/grandchildren to. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  12. I love fun places for kids. I just wish my kid was interested in this stuff still and was smaller than 6'3" and 260 pounds.

  13. Oh, and I love the first photograph especially.

  14. Beautiful blooms, I love the milkweeds and Sunflowers. The tunnel looks exciting and adventurous . Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

  15. I especially like your first photograph.

    All the best Jan

  16. That is a great playground / park for the kids! I can understand that both the tunnel and the tower are irresistible for them!


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