July 17, 2022

Large Church on a Mountain

This building is on the top of a mountain in West Virginia. I pulled into the parking lot to see the view.

This church has a flashy electronic sign that posted at least four alternating messages, including a graphic of a simplified American flag, which probably offends those who believe churches are for worshiping God rather than the State. Reinforcing their political involvement is this message:

“Thank you Supreme Court. Babies lives matter too.“

The sign made me cringe. Of course babies matter! So do their mothers. But things like this just reinforce the misunderstandings that divide people. Hardly anyone kills actual babies, although certainly they did in ancient times. 

But we don’t even have an agreement on terms and concepts so that we can discuss abortion rationally. When does a zygote become a baby? One person’s opinion is different than another’s. The “soul” is a religious construct, not a physical thing. When I say soul, I mean self-awareness; you might mean something else. And we may have different opinions about when human life begins depending on our religious background. 

I remember when abortion was illegal in this country. People had them anyway. Many women lost their lives having non-sanitary abortions or doing risky things to bring on a miscarriage. Often these were women who already had children and left these children motherless. Is this what we want? 

I realize that people think birth control works. Sometimes it does. Often it doesn’t! If some of the popular methods were parts to a car, they’d be recalled as unsafe. 

I also realize that we have the Internet now and it is full of information on self-abortions. Some of these methods (even some common herbs) are unsafe in the recommended quantity. How many women will die as a result of the Supreme Court decision? Do people not care because they think sex is a sin? Or do they feel that women are unimportant? 

Yes, I am old enough to remember when abortion was illegal, and an older friend did risky things trying to miscarry her second pregnancy. It’s fortunate that she did not break her neck when she threw herself down the stairs! I also remember another friend who was molested by her stepfather and I wonder what would’ve happened if she had gotten pregnant at 13?

The “good old days” were not really that good.


  1. They can really see the world from there

  2. A thoughtful discussion, Linda. The merging of religion and politics has now become the norm, with many rightwing "christians" advocating that the state should impose morality based on biblical values; their interpretation, of course. I am quite sure that abortion is always a last resort, agonizing in most instances, but a woman should be able to have it performed safely, hygienically and without fear. One thing I can tell you, with certainty, is that if the wife or the daughter of a prominent antiabortionist were raped by a terrible person of low intelligence (inheritable qualities), especially by a man with a different tone to his skin, a safe abortion would be arranged in the blink of an eye. It would be do as I say, not do as I do.

  3. gosh, i have had the discussion with my mother and realize i will never change her mind (never realized we would have such a difference of opinion). i feel it is a ladies' choice. i am not saying i agree with said choice, just that is not my right to take any of her rights away, she in the end will have to justify that choice in all areas of her life. just that she deserves the right. just like any other right within this great country we live in. & that it should be done with proper ways, she shouldn't have to go to a back alley to have it done, i would think u would wish for her to do it safely, with healthy ways, and that all will be right in her eyes and the doctors (nurses, etc). i think if it was a man's decision (he was the one under the knife so to speak), we would not be discussing it ever. men (lots of ladies) think we should be making the decision for these women because they don't know correctly or how to handle it right. please understand what i mean is ...when we start taking away rights, the right to pick (choose, rights to go to church, rights to go here or there, simple decisions) that is a slippery slope, and you are officially take away rights and "you are treading on them". everything u do, no matter how small or big it is a right given to you because you have moved here (live here) in the USA. if you take away that right, will u not possibly take away guns, and any other rights going forward. so scary. i fear for this country and go forward. thankfully i have a God and i know i walk with him and know that it will go forward, i take faith. (i trust in him) have a good day. ( ;

  4. Hello,
    The views are beautiful. I have always felt a woman has a right to choose what is right for her body. I also feel politics, government and religion should be separated. It matters who we vote for, our rights are being taken away. Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy new week!

  5. ...separation of Church and State!!!

  6. The grass in the foreground somewhat creates that illusional feel to it. Beautiful shot it is. With regard to the latest legislation on ban of abortion, it does creep me out that things can quickly go pear shaped in one night! This is about the greatest country with freedom and free wills!

  7. A shame that over half our population (women) have lost their rights to choose what happens to their own bodies. I cringe that such a small percentage of this population (the extreme right Christians) is taking over so much power politically.

  8. Very wisely said. I agree with you.

  9. Then, too, there's the majority opinion's truly egregious interpretation of the Constitution!


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