April 18, 2022

Winter’s Little Encore

The weather in Virginia is as fickle as a southern belle. After a series of beautiful spring days, winter decided to come back for a brief visit. It started with sleet and hail this morning, changing to a wintry mix that caused cars to slide into ditches, and then fluffy snowflakes cover the landscape.
Mosaic Monday / Murals
It was a good day to stay indoors. Speaking of indoors, here is a mural that I saw inside a house that was for sale.


  1. Bad luck with the weather, not nice if it causes accidents! Great mural find Linda. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  2. We too have had a return to winter - not at all welcome in mid April.

  3. Cold here but just rain yesterday. Today some sun will warm us a little bit. Loved that mural...someone was artistic and did a good job.

  4. Hope winter leaves in a hurry. Nice find with the wonderful mural.

  5. It's snowing here this morning, but the ground is warm enough that it won't stick around.

  6. We had sunshine over the Easter weekend, but some heavy rain showers today.
    I like your mosaic and the mural is lovely.

    All the best Jan

  7. Linda - we are in the UK at the moment, and I am glad. The weather has been pleasant - low 60s and no rain. Meanwhile, back in Montana, it is cold and snowing! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  8. Definitely a good day to stay indoors.


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