March 26, 2022

Cows and Canines

Saturday Critters

Lucy was wearing a dress! I think Lynn is spoiling her. 

I seem to take pictures of people walking dogs fairly often. I hope to get another dog but first I need to make my front steps safer. A dog on a leash can make you lose balance.



  1. Linda!
    All your photos are beautiful. Lucy stole my heart.
    Have a nice spring Sunday.

  2. Dogs and people have gone together forever it seems.

  3. What a wonderful critter post, love all the cute doggies. Lucy is adorable in the dress. I love the cows too. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy new week! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. Cow and dogs, having fun, brilliant Linda.

  5. ...I guess that there money to be made scooping poop!

  6. that dog in the second picture sure is huge!!! having a dog is very popular these days!! enjoy your sunday!!

  7. Nice dogs (and funny punny doggy-related business van) -- and you are right though to be careful before you get another dog yourself. A couple of years ago here in our winter neighborhood there were two different women who broke a bone becaue of tripping over a dog leash on their steps.


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