February 25, 2022

Shopping Plants and Pretties

Do you take out your phone in the store and take a picture? If I did this with a camera, security might question me for suspicious behavior, but we all check our phones so often that people rarely notice. 

Today's first picture is a bromeliad in the supermarket. The shadow shot includes a plant. The rest of the photos are from inside the Strasburg Emporium, a large antique store with a variety of decorative items.

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  1. Beautiful pics. I often take photos in shops, especially at garden markets.

  2. Beautiful!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. ...the Strasburg Emporium looks like an interesting place.

  4. Looks like a place to get you in the mood for spring.

  5. I'm thinking Mardi Gras for some reason!

  6. Weird shadow... Can't make out what it is

  7. Someone there certainly has a gift for arrangements.

  8. These are wonderful shots. I can't recall the last time I took pics in a shop.

  9. Stunning pictures , loved the bromeliad . Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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