December 16, 2021

Time with My Daughters

Marie came to visit last weekend. This was a belated Thanksgiving celebration. I had discouraged her from flying during that busiest travel time of the year. There is still a pandemic out there, and it’s good policy to avoid crowds.

Lynn drove down on On Saturday to spend time with her sister. It is always fun when they’re together, which is not often enough.

We had lunch at the Edinburg Mill. It has a nice atmosphere but they did not follow my allergy requests on my order so I sent it back and had a side salad. After lunch we went to a consignment/antique shop and looked around. 


Marie left on Sunday because she had to work on Monday. She is still working from home most of the time because of the pandemic.  (She works at DC Comics.)

I miss her. The house is quiet. 

Yet this week is almost over and I have tons of things to do. 



  1. Linda - how wonderful to get some in-person time with your daughters!

  2. Lovely post. So nice to visit with family and it was wise to delay the travel to when the crowds were not so large.

  3. ...we are fortunate, our 3 children and 5 grandchildren live within 15 minutes of us. I've that you had this special time.

  4. Hello,
    Great photos of your and your daughters. It is good to spend family time. Take care, enjoy your day and weekend!

  5. It is very apparent that they are sisters.

  6. Wonderful to have this time with your daughters. Alana

  7. Good to have times shared with family, even if not the holiday! I'll take the visits any time of year!

  8. It looks like you had a nice visit!!

  9. beautiful sky, looks like it is on fire!

  10. It's good that you were able to get together.

  11. So good that you were able to get-together.
    Special times.

    All the best Jan


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