December 17, 2021

Cheerful Decorations

Christmas lights and colorful decorations really brighten our short December days. It seems like people are decorating more, which is nice as long as they follow safety rules. (Every once in a while, someone's extension cord causes a fire.)

I hope you are enjoying the beauty of the season.

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  1. Beautiful Christmas decorations. The entrance looks stunning & inviting. Merry Christmas.

  2. ...some people go all out decorating for Christmas.

  3. Good selection of decorations, from the simply elegant to the lavish! I love how Santa is going through a chimney to just land on the porch!!

  4. Acho lindo essa época do ano, mas aqui as decorações diminuiram muito, talvez o desanimo, o desgaste da economia e pandemia bj

  5. Lovely to see these Christmas decorations.

    All the best Jan

  6. Wow ! I love the christmas vibes , Beautiful poinsettia. Merry Christmas , Thanks for joining in Garden Affair.


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