July 7, 2021

Hidden Birds

There are plenty of birds around but they are harder to see now that the foliage is thick. Also, I do not feed them in the summer so they rarely pose in front of my windows.

The small woodpecker was pecking on the stems of the bush. I believe the bird on the bench is a catbird.

The third bird is really hard to see. It is brown and white and may be a sparrow. 


  1. I like watching birds and it is hard to catch them on camera, mostly unsuccessful for me. I like the orange flowers just popping out. The photos of your parents are so classic. A very charming couple and both look so happy with each other.

  2. Not the best definition in the third picture but the bird looks like a female Red-winged Blackbird.

    1. Oh, this makes sense. I have seen the male out there.

  3. ...they sure do love to hide.

  4. Cool...a blind which allowed you to just barely not be blind to birds!

  5. The bird sitting is a perfect photo!

  6. Although they are trying to hide ... it's always nice to see them.

    All the best Jan


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