June 26, 2021

Blog Post #7575, Saturday Critters.

At this time we don't have a dog, but I enjoy seeing other people's dogs. This one was with a family that was having a picnic by the river. Behind him are some people wading in the water. 

The rest of today's pictures were taken in my yard. The blue jay was posing nicely. He appears to be healthy. Some blue jays and certain other birds have been in the news recently due to a disease that seems to afflict them. Wildlife biologists are trying to find out what causes it, but in the meantime they ask that we not feed birds. I don't normally feed them in the summer anyway.

While I was photographing this one, he turned and flew away. 

The gray geese continue to harass me. When I arrived home a few days ago, two of them were on our front stoop. One was drinking from the bird bath but stopped to glare at me when I got out of the car. Frank told them to go away and they ambled off.

This evening they were there again but with their buddy. Usually they travel as a trio, which concerns me because I don't want to be surrounded. One of them attacked me and bit me last month.

I should point out that they do not belong to anyone although they are a domesticated breed. They are "geese gone wild."

Yesterday I was sitting on the back deck and the three of them came along. One started eating an iris leaf and I raised my camera to take a picture. Suddenly this one hopped up the steps onto the deck. I stood up and ordered him to get down. He pooped on the deck and then hopped back down the steps.

This is the most aggressive of the trio. Note the hackles, or raised feathers on his neck. I have no idea why he hates me.

For today's final picture, here's a cute squirrel. I don't see as many squirrels as I did during winter when I was keeping bird feeders filled. Squirrels think bird feeders are for them. 


  1. Greylags are one of the most aggressive geese, mostly when they protect their young. Like most bullies, you have to show who is boss Linda.

  2. Hello,
    Love the cute doggie! The Jay is looking beautiful. I have heard that people should be taking down their feeders, to keep from spreading the disease or whatever is making the birds sick. Those geese are mean bullies. Cute squirrel photo. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, have a great day and a happy new week! PS, thank you for visiting and commenting.

  3. That blue Jay does look healthy. I do hope scientists can help figure it all out. As far as geese go...they CAN be nasty.
    Enjoy the day and thank you for taking time to share this with us birders!!

  4. One can only assume that somewhere in the goose's background there is some form of unpleasantness and you are a reminder of it.

  5. The squirrel pic is my favorite.

  6. I love dogs but don't have one right now either. That squirrel is cute and I would rather you have him than me! haha!

  7. The doggie and the squirrel are cuties.

  8. No dogs here either -- and no geese! After all these decades, Bill still remembers being bit by his grandmother's "tame" goose when he was a little kid. He said they were really mean!!!


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