March 12, 2021

Spring is Coming!

Here it is Friday again! Allow me to catch up on some recent pictures. 

Yesterday I went to the chiropractor in Woodstock and too my lunch to W. O. Riley Park. From here you can see the Massanutten Range in the distance.

Black and White / Willy Nilly Friday.

 Suddenly we are seeing flowers, especially daffodils. It's funny how the first signs of a new season excite me. 

Our trees aren't green yet, though. I took the picture of the community lake a few days ago from a boat launch spot by the dam.

Last week I went to the dermatologist and she called on Tuesday with biopsy results: I have a basal cell carcinoma on my back. They'll remove the rest of the spot and prognosis is good. It may have been caused by sunburn many years ago.

I first went to the dermatologist in December but this spot was discovered on a recent follow-up visit. Do see a dermatologist if you have concerns about your skin, regardless of the pandemic. This office was very careful and I did not run into any other patients.

By the way, the photo was modified using an app called Illus. I did not keep it after the trial period because it was not as versatile as I hoped.

Next we see a tree along Skyline Drive that my friend Dawn calls the "pig tree." I modified this image in Photoshop to bring out the pig face. 


  Today I participated in a virtual meeting with the Friends of Seven Bends State Park Committee. 

For now, our weather has been very nice. This man was kayaking in Strasburg yesterday. Enjoy it; it won't last. Winter is not quite done with us. 


  1. Your black & white photo is so beautiful Linda, also the blue lake view is an eye catcher. So glad the skin cancer was found in time!!! Wishing all the best, let's hope warm spring arrives soon.

  2. Virtual meetings are all we can do right now, but I can hardly wait until real meetings can resume. Good luck with your cancer treatment. Catching it early is always good!

  3. I love spring and the first signs of spring excite me.

  4. Beautiful shots. Here it is cold again.

  5.'s nice to see that early spring has arrived for you. I will be off to the dermatologist soon and she will burn off spots all over me. Take care Linda.

  6. Pig tree would keep me coming back...and what a view. Thinking virtual healing thoughts as you confront that cancer. Love your lavender selfie. Lake looks like it's also patiently waiting for spring. That guy in a kayak really is pushing it.

  7. Love your photos! Best wishes for a rapid recovery from the carcinoma.

  8. Beautiful photos. I like the shot of the kayaker. I've lost count of how many irregular moles and basal cell cancers I've had removed from my back. I asked my dermatologist if I had the record, but she said no.

  9. Great black and white photo, and beautiful view of the lake! Interesting pig tree!
    Have a blessed day!

  10. Nice to see your photographs.
    Sending my good wishes for your cancer treatment, and a speedy recovery too.

    All the best Jan

  11. Very nice photos! I'm glad to hear that the prognosis is good. I've never been to a dermatologist but I probably should see one.

  12. Beautiful capture of springtime , Lovely Daffodil blooms, Thanks for joining in Garden Affair.


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