March 11, 2021

Blog Post 7460

Mostly Signs.

Easter is coming up and so is St. Patrick's Day. The shops are full of Easter candy and decorative items for these days. 
Signs, Signs / Little Things Thursday.

Unicorns seem to be very popular. 

"Always be Yourelf
Unless You can be a Unicorn,
Always be a Unicorn."

I saw a unicorn tee-shirt in a different shop.

"I couldn't get any more magical if I tried."

Yesterday I saw this sign in the town of Stanley. Smokey the Bear is a symbol of forest fire prevention. 

While I was in Stanley, I took a picture of the post office. Our postal system has struggled for months now. I have been documenting post offices in support of the institution and our postal workers. 



  1. An efficient postal service is one of the keystones of democracy.

  2. ...I love the Smokey Bear sign. On August 9, 1944, the creation of Smokey Bear was authorized by the Forest Service.

  3. The self cleaning cat sign is funny!

  4. I remember Smokey the Bear from when I was in elementary school (1950s)! Glad to see he is still around. Love the self-cleaning cat sign!
    Have a great day!

  5. There were no unicorns in my childhood, or young adulthood, nor maybe until the 80s I think. My first real awareness was when my granddaughter was having some shirts with unicorns...late 90s. Where did they come from? I mean, was there a movie about them? I missed it!


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