January 19, 2021

The Old Hudson House

Hudson's Crossroads, Shenandoah County.
Sharing with Tuesday Treasures and Our World Tuesday.

 This sturdy stone structure was built around 1790. It is said to have been built to withstand an Indian attack, or may have replaced an older building from the era of the French and Indian War, which ended in 1763. 

This house is no longer occupied. It can be seen from Senedo Road, Route 42. 

See Thomas Hudson House on Shenandoah Stories.


  1. ...this treasure has stood the test of time! Thanks Linda for joining the party, take care.

  2. The stone building looks strong. Hope it will be occupied again.

  3. A good stone walled house, and I hope it's kept up in repair so many more generations can see it.

  4. São Sebastião, livrai_me desta peste que se abateu sobre a humanidade. Livrai_me e livrai minha filha, minha família e toda a terra. Amém!

  5. A piece of history ... I hope it is kept up with that in mind. (Of course I’m from a part of the country where we wouldn’t see anything like that, so I’m always a bit awestruck.)

  6. Looks formidable. Should be protected as historic.

  7. I love these old, stone houses. This is a great one.

  8. It was built to last for sure - love old buildings


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