August 7, 2020

Great American Outdoors

This week the Great American Outdoors Act was signed into law. It will permanently fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund and bring much need maintenance to our national parks. 

So let's visit Shenandoah National Park, since it is near to my home and close to my heart. 

I love this park for its beautiful mountain scenery, the wonderfully engineered Skyline Drive, the wildlife, the trails, and the smiling people.

Weekend Reflections. Three young men were posing for a girl taking a picture. They are doing the classic "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" poses. I just discovered that the three monkeys meme dates back to a Shinto shrine in 17th century Japan!

Skywatch Friday. The views of the sky from the overlooks are often spectacular. I like driving up there on half-rainy days to watch the clouds change. 


  1. Wonderful views of this nature park. The nature is always important and especially now in these difficult virus times.

    Referring to your comment on the new blogger: I usually like to center the images but now it is made almost impossible. Can't see what is the great idea of this 'improvement'! *angry*

  2. It is a beautiful nature park and how great they have captured the scenes with the men and women and the sky.
    So beautiful the BW photo with the flowers and the background!
    Have a happy weekend, hug Elke

  3. you are so lucky to have it on tour doorstep. lovely images.

  4. Hello,
    I love Shenandoah! Lovely images. Happy weekend to you!

  5. A beautiful park, and I"m glad funding has been approved...our parks have been needing it badly!

  6. Seems like a gorgeous park! So glad to hear the funding was approved.

  7. That's great news. I know our National Parks have really struggled with lack of funding. Your photos are beautiful!

  8. ...great scenes from your neck of the woods.

  9. I don't know how that got passed, but it sounds fabulous to me.

  10. You are so fortunate to have it on your doorstep!
    Pleased funding was approved.

    All the best Jan


The View from Squirrel Ridge features thousands of views of the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding area. I post frequently so please visit often.

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