July 11, 2020

Thrashing About or Staying Still.

I saw this bird digging a hole in a sandy spot and stirring up dust in my yard.

Sometimes birds like to take "dust baths." I believe this one is an immature brown thrasher.
I'd Rather Be Birdin' / Saturday's Critters
Yesterday I posted some pictures from Capon Springs. Here's a small rabbit statuette that was in their garden.

Not far from there I saw this peacock sculpture at a driveway entrance.

Back in the world of living creatures, I spotted a deer near the Big Meadows picnic area in Shenandoah National Park. I think it had bedded down and didn't feel like getting up just because a car stopped. I took the picture through an open window.

The final picture is also from Shenandoah National Park. I had stopped at an overlook and heard a bird cawing. I tried to spot it through my zoom lens and saw a crow take flight.


  1. nice collection of critters. Seeing birds bathing is always fun. Sand or water, both are fun to watch.

  2. Muy bonito tu blog, me quedo por aquí.

  3. :-D The photo of the dust bathing bird is so funny! Great shots!

  4. Hello, I love the dust bathing Brown Thrasher? They have those pretty yellow eyes. The statue and sculpture are beautiful. Sweet shot of the deer laying down. Great capture of the crow in flight. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week! PS, thank you for the comment and visit.

  5. ...that excavating bird is neat!

  6. A cute bird taking a dust bath. Pretty garden sculptures too and great deer shot and flying crow.

  7. Lovely photos. Peacock sculpture is great.

  8. Cool shots of critters (and artsy critters) today. I'm with the deer, just too much trouble to get up.

  9. That bird looks like it's having fun in the dirt! Love seeing neat things in people's yards too! Happy weekend.

  10. i love all the art ... very cool. sculptures. what fun. happy Sunday. ( ;

  11. Wonderful shots of the young Brown Thrashers - endearing too. We all respond to the young of any species, don't we?

  12. lucky shot to see the crow using your lens like that!!

    be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  13. That’s good spotting to see the thrasher bathing in the dust! I remember seeing similar bird behaviour (not a thrasher) when I first started really *looking* at birds ... I thought something was wrong with it until I looked it up! .... The deer isn’t afraid because she knows she lives in a safe place! I am glad.

  14. I enjoyed your creature photos today. I like the whimsical statue and sculpture.

  15. I do like the rabbit statuette, it made me smile :)

    All the best Jan


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