June 7, 2020

Relaunching Soon!

Inspired Sunday: This rocket display tempted me to stop and take a picture at Round Hill Church of the Brethren.

I assume the "Relaunching" refers to church activities. They've been canceled for months due to the pandemic. A few churches have reopened on a limited basis but many, like this one, are still communicating online. Others are having outdoor services with social distancing.

In past years, the rocket was a display for a children's summer program, if I recall correctly.

This church building was dedicated in 1960. It is between Toms Brook and Strasburg.


  1. ...I saw a similar sign here, but it wasn't as clever.

  2. What a beautiful building! There are churches like that in Switzerland. I also like the particular colour of the sky. It's the right light for a nice picture.

  3. … that's clever :)

    All the best Jan

  4. re-launching soon ... this made me laugh!! ( ;

  5. Neat rocket--it is eye-catching. Our church hasn't yet relaunched.


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