June 18, 2020

Masks, Stores, and Signs.

With socializing still limited by the pandemic, I decided to use a model available to me: myself. The mask is a scarf/mask combination. When I need a mask for a brief conversation, this one is hidden inside the scarf.

The next picture is the entrance to a convenience store. The sign says the customer limit is 13 persons at a time, in order to allow for social distancing.

The self-serve features are closed in order to avoid transmission of the virus.

Marty is a robot at a supermarket. His job is said to be alerting staff to spills. Glad to see he is wearing his mask!

Next is a sign at Better Thymes. They don't want you coming in without a mask! It's a state law here but many people ignore it. Perhaps a bouncer at the door would put a stop to the scofflaws.

A sign of HOPE in Wardensville.
Signs, Signs / Little Things Thursday.


  1. I personally think the “please...” sign is too polite ... I like the bouncer guy . Anyone who isn’t willing to wear a mask in public these days doesn’t deserve politeness since they aren’t willing to be kind to others.

  2. Hello,
    Wearing a mask is important, I do not know why some people refuse. Are they vain or what? Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!

  3. ...I HOPE that everyone wears a mask!!!We finally ventured to Costco yesterday morning for their senior citizens hour. EVERYONE was wearing a mask, it was great. Thanks Linda for stopping by.

  4. I like the scarf combo with mask...pretty as well as giving more protection both ways.

  5. Love the HOPE sign!
    I always wear a mask out in public, but it is not mandatory here, and many people do not wear them. The only places here that I know of that are requiring masks to be worn are doctors' offices.
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Most stores here don't require masks but most wear them. It's getting to be a habit.
    Love all the greens in your previous post

  7. I like the muscular bouncer. There are some who can't wear masks for medical reasons and they certainly aren't fun but I am a big believer in them, and they are required in New York State. I am intrigued by the robot - I have seen one only once (in a Publix?) the mask was a nice touch.

  8. I've got a cloth mask but have been using bandannas too.

  9. I do like the HOPE sign.

    All the best Jan

  10. I don't understand why some people refuse to wear a mask. It is such a simple thing to do to help save lives.


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