May 1, 2020

Shopping, Spring 2020

City Daily Photo's theme for May 1st is Shopping. This was scheduled before the pandemic threw all our old shopping habits into disarray as we struggled to stay at a safe distance from each other. 

Our local supermarket made the aisles one-way and even roped off one entrance, forcing customers to enter at one set of doors and exit through a different set. They also roped off the cash register area with caution tape, so I had to enter at a single point and line up at a six foot distance. I felt stressed; it seemed like going through security at the airport.

And there were aisles with almost-empty shelves, so there I was walking extra distances without finding what I needed.

Someone posted a commentary on Facebook.


  1. Very similar procedures here too.

  2. Yes, here in the UK we too have similar procedures.

    All the best Jan

  3. Shopping has changed drastically. Makes me wonder (and worry) about what is coming next.


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