May 4, 2020

Random and Colorful.

The Good: This attractive "Auction House" mural is in Broadway, Virginia. (And yes, there is an auction house there.) Something tells me that fish is not to scale! 

Monday Mural and Blue Monday.
The Random: I'm running out of space on my laptop so I was looking at my Amazon photos space in the "Cloud," which is just space on a server in some big warehouse, I believe. I found pictures that I don't remember putting there. Apparently my old cell phone photos were backed up there, which was news to me. This is a screen print of a few of them as they appeared.

The Fun: I wanted to see the trillium before they stop blooming so I went to Blue Mountain for a walk today. It was like a fairyland there, with so many wild flowers blooming. 

Mosaic Monday.


  1. wonderful post and all the best! Flowers are very nice!
    Greetings Elke

  2. It's great that you found more photos in your 'cloud' as I'm sure you will share and your viewers will enjoy them. Wild flowers are the best, especially woodland species and the mural is fab, including the big fish! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Hello, love the mural on the Auction House. The wildflowers are gorgeous. I love the Trillium. Hubby and I are waiting for Shenandoah to open, we miss our visits there. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

  4. ...I'm running out of space too!

  5. Beautiful Spring flowers. Love the mural, but I agree that fish is gigantic!
    Thanks for participating Linda :)

  6. Beautiful flowers, and artistic mural!

  7. That mural is really entertaining!

    I distrust the cloud service as my one-and-only backup. We have big discs as well, that work with more than one computer, though obviously, they could become obsolete. The idea that we've been creating files since the early apple computers, and that we've been taking digital photos for around 20 years doesn't seem to occur to the people who make things obsolete.

    be well... mae at

  8. I'm happy you got to see your Trilliums. Enjoyed the and also the very nice selfie. I love it when I find photos out of the blue, or as in your case out of the cloud :)

  9. Linda - an awesome mural. And I laughed out loud at your comment about the fish. It's obvious the artist knows a fisherman!!!! Earlier this week I saw my first trillium, only a couple. And today, the first violets in our forest. Yippee! Thanks for sharing the wonders of your area with everyone at Mosaic Monday!

  10. That fish in the mural gets bigger I bet every time a story is told about it! The flowers are beautiful!

  11. So many buildings with murals, I think it's great. Love that.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade


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