May 8, 2020

Passage Willy Nilly

It's Willy Nilly Friday and that means a chance to mix things up a little.

1. Here's a lane in springtime with white fences.
Sharing with Fences around the World.
2. Friday Bliss / Floral Friday. A driveway was surrounded with creeping phlox so bright I was compelled to pull over and take a picture.

3. Skywatch: Our weather has been erratic so here's a windblown selfie on a blustery day. There's a chance of frost tonight.

4. These are covers of record albums that meant a lot to me when I was young. Two of them (broadway shows) belonged to my parents, and I think John Brown's Body (an epic poem) was from the public library. I owned the other albums. I don't have them any more, having given away vinyl records at some point when I moved. 

5. The remaining three photos are from a brief stop at Elizabeth Furnace Recreation Area, George Washington National Forest. I was glad to find the parking lot open, since so many places are closed at this time.

6. Black and White Weekend: This tree trunk looked interesting. I cropped the picture to bring out the odd sculptural look. What do you see?

7. Weekend Reflections: Passage Creek in Elizabeth Furnace attracts people who want to fish. Here I was attracted to the reflections of trees.
Stay safe, have a pleasant weekend!


  1. Beautiful creeping phlox & water reflection. Odd trunk!

  2. ...what a lovely lane and those phlox, WOW! Years ago we saw Arlo Guthrie's "Alice's Restaurant" tour. Thanks for stopping by and have a Happy Mother's day.

  3. Something about a lane with white fences...
    I kind of miss albums. They were a pain because you had to attend to them and couldn't just re-order the songs easily but you know people took their music more seriously way back when. Now it's just background. Oh well.

  4. I wonder how many scratched/damaged vinyls are in land fills! They served their purpose, sharing music with masses of people.

  5. I enjoyed seeing the album covers. Really takes me back. I owned 3 (may be 4) of the 8 you show there.

  6. What a beautiful country lane. Nice collection of music you have.

  7. Nice selection of photographs.
    I especially like the white fences and the reflection in the water.

    All the best Jan

  8. I love the top photo! I sold all of my vinyl to a used record store in 1985. I bet I could get more for them today than I did back then.

  9. Sorry to be so late visiting - it's been a busy few days!

    The tree trunk has fascinating shapes.

  10. Pretty scenes. I especially like the flowers.


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