April 28, 2020

Woodstock's Community Theater


  1. Beautiful form of the Woodstock theater building.

    Does this building include buildings preserved by the government?

  2. I hope that theatre survives the economic tsunami of being closed during the Lock Down.

  3. ...I'm a fan of old theaters and this one is similar to many the still remain in this area. Thanks Linda for sharing, take care.

  4. You don't see many theaters like that any more. Most look so sterile.
    Thank you for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2020/04/loving-springtime.html

  5. Yes safe at home is the way to be!

  6. And another archaic feature is the pay phone on the corner. I haven't seen one in 10 years probably.

  7. I like this. So many modern buildings have lost the charm.

  8. We have a similar-looking community theater in Crossville.

  9. I like the old style of theater. It is like so many you see in small towns.

  10. I'm reminded of a place or two here.


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