April 27, 2020

A Sunny Monday

The Good: I went out this afternoon for just a little shopping and to take some pictures. The sun was shining and I wanted to get a new picture of the mural at Strasburg Town Park because I saw online that the artist had come back and elaborated on it.

It was just a butterfly when I saw it before. Look at it now!

Monday Murals.
That's Massanutten Mountain in the background. About a half mile away, the same artist decorated the hardware store windows with butterflies.

The Random: I made a collage of three flower photos. A white curb in the vertical photo makes it look a little odd, doesn't it?
Mosaic Monday.
The Fun: These young people were checking out the swinging bridge at Deer Rapids. I drove by a few minutes later and they were crossing it very slowly, tentatively. It's fun but can be scary because when you move, it moves!


  1. Thank you for taking us back to see the butterfly mural. The artist has finished it off nicely with the flowers. It looks the right theme for the setting. Seeing those mauve irises also made me feel happy. The moving bridge sounds like one to try out and have fun crossing the river in that beautiful spot.

  2. I haven't been on a swinging bridge since I was very young to see my great aunt and uncle near Bath County. I must check this one out.

  3. Hello, love the pretty flowers and the butterfly mural. I have been on some scary swinging bridges, I was happy once I got to the other side. Take care, have a happy day!

  4. Yet the curb gives just the right connection to the other divider of the collage...slightly off so you are drawn to it. Love the mural, and I think just walking on a swinging bridge is easy, but when another person starts also walking at a different rhythm, oh my, then the fun begins.

  5. I can imagine how scary that bridge is, but think it would be a great place for some balance exercises. I didn't notice the curb in the vertial photo until you mentioned it, still pretty flowers though. Very cool when someone is spreading their art.

  6. The butterfly mural looks so much better now Linda. Thanks for contributing.
    That bridge would be scary for me.

  7. What a pretty butterfly mural. I'm not a fan of swinging bridges. I'd probably try to avoid that if I could.

  8. Definitely not the bridge for me. I'm afraid of heights to start with and a swinging bridge would be the straw that broke the camel's back. - Margy

  9. ...finding giant butterflies is always a treat.

  10. I like how the curb blends in with your horizontal border. It gives a kind of 3D effect. I wonder if the artist will fill out the whole wall one day. I'd jump at the chance to help paint a mural. :-)

  11. Linda - the artist paints unique butterflies - and I am pleased the artist uses one of my favorite colors -purple!

    Yes, cool collage with the curb positioned as it is. Did you do that on purpose?

    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

    1. I didn't realize that line was there until I looked at the collage. Decided to keep it that way.

  12. Gorgeous butterfly mural, my step daughter lives in the area and the mountains are so beautiful up there.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  13. The mural is very beautiful. Swinging bridges can be fun and scary at the same time.


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