April 17, 2020

Abundance and Lack Willy Nilly.

We have the richness of nature while we deal with the threat of illness and recession. For Willy Nilly Friday, I'm sharing a few examples from my now limited surroundings.

1. Our little redbud trees are blooming. They were rooted twigs when we planted them five years ago, and they are still small, maybe 36" tall. But I'm happy that they survived. We bought them at the Redbud Festival, which was canceled this spring, like most events.

Friday Bliss and Floral Friday.
2. Skywatch: This is what a mature eastern redbud tree looks like. They are a native plant and charming to see in the spring. I read that the flowers are edible.

3. Like many shoppers, I'm finding bare shelves in the paper goods aisle, and a scarcity of canned goods and cleaning supplies. I filtered a cell phone picture and rendered it in black and white to emphasize the disconcerting appearance of empty shelves.

This particular store is being remodeled, so the floor is horribly scuffed. I assume it will be replaced, but right now the workers are struggling to keep up with shortages and ensuring safe practices.

4. Easter passed quietly but I recruited Frank's little chick for a reflection photo. He has had this "floof" for many years
and until this year, it could chirp "Happy Easter" when pressed.

5. My can opener broke! Here I'm using a beer opener (also called a church key) to stab holes around the rim to get it open far enough to pour out the beans. It's not the first time I've done this. I remember a camping trip where I forgot to pack a can opener! But you know what? Cans are much thinner now, and bend easily.

6. Let's end the post with some more flowers. These are creeping phlox.


  1. I remember a long time back we were at an airshow in Canada. It was just after pull tabs were introduced in the States. It was really hot and I went to buy two pops in cans. When I got them back to where we were sitting I finally noticed I needed a church key. Quite frustrating at the time. - Margy

  2. I did not know redbud, so had to google. Never seen, it does not grow here - but for sure is so beautiful <3 Have a pleasant weekend Linda.

  3. Lovely flower pictures. Creeping phlox is an interesting variety. I don't think redbud grows in the UK so that was also interesting to see. A cute reflection photo of the Easter chick. Good thinking re opening the can of beans. All the best Linda from another Linda.

  4. A wonderful tree and beautiful post!
    Have a good weekend!
    Greetings Elke

  5. ...we are still waiting for redbuds.
    ...a blue sky is always a treat.
    ...I'm glad that I no longer run a business.
    ...Easter passed quietly here too.
    Thanks Linda for stopping by.

  6. I love redbud trees. Their budding season is a little short though so I have to get out and take all the pics I can. Once every several years we will get a snow while they are blooming and I don't think I've ever seen anything prettier.

  7. Oh can openers! My story...I asked a couple of boys who lived across the street to feed my cats while I went away. I showed them the canned food on the counter, and the can opener (before pull tabs on cat food). They didn't know how to work it, so had mom come over to show them! The dears even told me later. Well, I guess little boys don't have much exposure to opening cans!

  8. Your black and white store photo is horrifying! I hope shopping improves soon.

  9. The creeping phlox in our area is just starting to come out. We have a long way to go before the redbuds bloom, considering that we got about 3 inches of snow last night (it is mostly melted, though.) They are one of my favorites and I treasure the times when we drove through Virginia on I-81 and saw them blooming everywhere. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  10. Love the redbuds and the phlox - so pretty!
    It is mostly cleaning supplies that are hard to find here (MS). Food shelves are well-stocked, except for the cooler that normally holds sandwich meat. I guess with all the kids home from school, there is a lot more sandwich making going on!

  11. Glad your redbud is doing well. They are so pretty in spring and a welcome sight.


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