April 21, 2015

Redbud Festival

Good, Random, Fun (Including Barns and Critters)

The Good: A community festival brings people together and provides entertainment and learning opportunities.  Saturday was a beautiful day for the annual festival in Browntown, Virginia.

people walking

The Random: Here are some scenes in this charming rural community with views of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

The pink flowering trees are "eastern redbuds." 

The Fun: The festival provides plenty of entertainment including music, face painting, a petting zoo, and an antique car show. 


  1. What a fun and HaPpY day!
    Nice images.

  2. Good morning, great shots from the festival. I love the barn scene with the redbud.. And the shot of the kids on the fence is great. Have a happy day!

  3. The redbuds are so pretty this year. That looks like a fun festival.

  4. great shots, i love redbuds! what a fun time!

  5. What a delightful set! Your random shots today are particularly lovely.

  6. I'd like that coupe! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  7. This looks like a lot of fun!

  8. I love community festivals like this. They bring people together. Love the blooming redbuds too!


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