March 11, 2020

Mockingbird and Robins

Wild, Wordless, and


  1. Linda,

    The Mocking Bird is Tennessee's state bird. I'll never forget my first encounter with one of these crazy birds. I was walking on the sidewalk just outside of a Kohl's department store when out of nowhere this frenzied feather duster attached me. I had no clue why, nearly scaring me out of my skin. I got away from the critter unharmed and it wasn't until later when I told DH about it that he told me that's common for Mocking Birds and its nest was probably nearby. Now every time I see one, I just keep my eye on it. I don't trust a single one of them anymore. lol Handsome Robin!

  2. Hello,

    Cute shots of the Robin! Wishing you a happy day!

  3. I like mockingbirds because they sing so many different songs.

  4. Your robin is so different to the European one. Enjoy your day, Diane

  5. Robins are such a welcome sight.


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