January 18, 2020

Birds, Animals, and Colorful Cat.

Yesterday I ran some errands and decided to drive east from Toms Brook just to look at the countryside. I saw a nice pond with geese. 

I'd Rather Be Birdin' and Saturday's Critters.
I also found deer although they are well-camouflaged among the brown trees.

I have some backyard birds to show you but first: a little "Caturday" art! I accidentally discovered that if I hit Command+i in Photoshop, the colors invert. I routinely work in layers, so the new layer had odd colors while the first layer stayed the original colors, I tried different blending modes and got this result, but I erased the new eyes because I like the original ones.

Now for some backyard views, starting with a vulture sailing across the sky at sunset.

Next let's look across the lake and watch some geese taking off!

My squirrel friends are always looking for food. Fortunately he leaves some for the birds... as long as I keep filling the feeders.


  1. Hello. Beautiful countryside. Great photos.

  2. I do love pictures of nature where ever we are. Thank you. Love the photoshop cat. I used to have a program where I could invert colors and do neato stuff but it was discontinued and replaced with something I cannot upload. Oh well life goes on.

  3. Hello the pond with geese is a pretty view. I love the deer. Cute kitty image. I am glad the birds have a chance at the feeder. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week ahead. PS, thank you for the visit and comment.

  4. Stunning images (love the lake & deer photos!) Cool effect for the kitty image too.

    Thanks for sharing with us at I'd Rather B Birdin

  5. ...wonderful, the geese in flight is my favorite.

  6. I enjoy birds, at your pretty feeders, or on water. Good capture of deer, and that cat is so fun...glad his eyes are natural.

  7. Love your artwork the soft purples set off your furs nicely.

  8. Nice photos of the countryside. Glad the squirrel leaves nibbles behind for the birds. Have a lovely week.

  9. Lovely photos and art. The squirrel is cute!

  10. Beautiful shots. The deer were hard to find.

  11. Lovely set of photos. Enjoy your week, Diane

  12. The vulture against the sunset sky is really pretty.


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