November 6, 2019

November Nature

I'm starting and ending this post with birds, but I also want to share some ginkgo pictures since they only stay golden for a week or so.

The geese and the goldfinch are local to our neighborhood. (Hmm, perhaps today's post is brought to you by the letter G!")

I've been keeping an eye on the ginkgo grove at Blandy, the state arboretum. Last week I stopped there after my physical therapy appointment and saw that many of the leaves had turned yellow.

The ginkgo is an ancient tree and has shown up in fossils as old as 270 million years!

After I reported to Frank that the trees were very close to their golden peak, he wanted to go too. When we visited on November 1st, the leaves were almost all yellow. Several other photographers were there.

The place feels magical. It draws you back.

Well, I promised that I was ending the post with birds. The final two photos are from a previous November because I haven't gotten pictures lately of any birds other than water birds and vultures, which I have shown several times lately.

A Blue Jay for Wild Bird Wednesday.


  1. Belas fotografias, gostei de ver e aproveito para desejar a continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  2. Glad to see ginkgo trees have been planted in your area also...ours sometimes do well, sometimes not so much. I love picking up the fallen leaves and pressing them into clay!

  3. The birds at play in the water make a welcome sight.

  4. Hello,

    I always love seeing the birds. Pretty fall colors, the yellow trees are beautiful. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend!

  5. Beautiful trees! You captured them at just the right time.


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