November 2, 2019

Critters Around and About

The weather has turned chilly and daylight savings time ends tonight. As a lover of sunshine, I'd rather have summer last longer... say, till the day before Christmas!

I'm posting various photos from the past month or so that either have animals or something related to them.  I hope you find something you enjoy.

I'm sharing the second image with Weekend Reflections and Black and White Weekend. It shows geese on a local lake. I guess the fountain will be turned off for the winter soon.

I thought this tree had an animal face! It is in Shenandoah National Park.

The park ranger is giving a talk about bears. They are rarely aggressive to people, but they will come after food. Like Yogi Bear, they want your pic-a-nic basket!

I see bears in the park fairly often. It is rare that I get a decent bear photo, though. By the time I pull the car off the road, the bear is disappearing into the woods.

The squirrel was in the park too. And a month ago, there were stinkbugs everywhere! Every time I opened the car door, several of them would fly in! The one in the picture was on my car window.

Although the park is home to many deer, the deer in today's post are in the Virginia State Arboretum.

The special cat was at a cat rescue in Flint Hill. I added a filter in Photoshop to make it "Cat Art" for Caturday.

Not far from there, we saw some cute goats on a farm.

Also in  Rappahannock County but closer to the Blue Ridge, I saw the cattle. That was on Monday, and you can see the fall colors. 


  1. Those are amazing photos!

    Thank you for sharing :)

  2. ...I like your first integrated picture!

  3. Nice fall photos of critters. Cats and goats sure are cute.

  4. Fabulous collection of critters!

  5. I particularly like your treatment of the cat.

  6. These are all so lovely to see, a fabulous collection of critters.

    All the best Jan

  7. Another lovely selection of photos.
    I found a dead stinkbug and a dead hornet in my sink earlier in the week and assumed they must have been hiding in the house. We've had sub-zero weather, and if they'd been outside they would have died out there.

  8. You do see the best critters on your drives! I’d be happy to see a bear anytime (well, safely from the car) even if I didn’t get a good picture.

  9. Great photos except the stink bug. I would rather smell a skunk :)

  10. Nice collection of critter shots. That's a cute dog.

  11. Hello, Great collection of critters. I love the dog, goat and cows. The deer are pretty too. Sorry, I am late visiting your post. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your critters. I hope you have a happy day and weekend ahead.


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