August 20, 2019

That '70s Style.

Saturday at Clermont Farm

See 2017 Posts:
  • History Talk in Berryville.
  • Clermont House.


    1. ...when I first saw '70 style I was thinking 1970s! This farm looks right up my alley. Thanks Linda for stopping by. I hope that you are enjoying your week.

    2. Great costumes! These are very good models...and those yellow bows on her shoes wouldn't have lasted a minute if it rained! Perhaps just for dancing!

    3. I'd enjoy visiting that place. Excellent shots, Linda!

    4. Gona say it looked older than the 1970's, though you could have gone Almish

    5. You fooled me too, I was thinking 1970s. :) Clermont Farm looks like a nice place to explore.
      Super shots, Linda.

    6. Yes, when I first saw '70 style I was thinking 1970s!
      Lovely post and photographs.

      All the best Jan

    7. Great look at the 70s style :) I will be going to Williamsburg soon. I always enjoy seeing their costumes. Thanks for sharing Clermont House link. It is now on my list of places to see :)

    8. That is some serious dress up and I like it!

    9. Very cool!
      Thanks for linking up at

    10. That looks like a neat place to visit.


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