August 28, 2019

Late Summer Birds and Insects

Wordless and Wild Bird Wednesday.


  1. Beautiful pictures, especially the close-up shots! Thank you for sharing. Happy #ww.

  2. Uma maravilha estas fotografias e aproveito para desejar a continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

  3. Hello, love the sweet dove and wren. Great birds and photos. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend ahead!

  4. These are lovely shots. I really like the butterfly and bees picture.

  5. Terrific shots! Those who do migrate are making plans for it about now.

  6. lovely photos love from Poland

  7. Linda,

    It's hard to believe it's late summer, isn't it? I guess it won't be long for some of them to migrate to warmer climates for the winter. Have you seen any monarch butterflies? They usually make their way south sometime in mid August, don't they? Lovely photo set of God's creatures. Have a nice holiday weekend. Blessings to you! ;)

  8. Beautiful butterfly photo, and I love the birds, too! (especially the Wren)
    Hope you are having a wonderful week!

  9. These are all so lovely.

    All the best Jan


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