July 10, 2019

Welcome, Hummingbird!


  1. I think hummingbirds are one of the wonders of nature.

  2. I just tossed my old hummer feeder, because it got moldy in places and I couldn't scrub it out. I didn't want the lovely little guys to get sick on my account. I'll happily get a new one soon!

  3. Hummingbirds are always welcome. I only ever see the black/gray one and always hear them first.

  4. Love the hummers, cute photos. Have a happy day!

  5. Lovely shots. They are so fun to watch.

  6. I would welcome them here as well if they showed up :-) Keep well Diane

  7. I keep hoping they come to the feeder in my yard. I was camping a few years back and it was during hummingbird season...there was dozens of them!!

  8. We never this species in Malaysia

  9. What a beautiful bird.

    All the best Jan


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