June 28, 2019

A View from Richardson Road.

Warren County, Virginia.

That's Signal Knob in the distance.

Sharing with Skywatch,
Friday Bliss,


  1. That's a pretty viewpoint Linda, lovely collage too, the yellow wildflowers add a nice splash of colour 🌻

  2. ...it's nice to see nature's gardens.

  3. Beautiful wild flowers along the road!

  4. I've been noticing the blue color of mountains in the distance, since I know they are covered with green trees...and the sky blue is so much different. Your blog background has some mountain blue in it!

  5. I love the countryside where you live.

  6. I like the old dump truck, and a very cool collage. Like a peace sign!

  7. A impressive landscape !
    The collage is nice.
    Warm regards
    <a href="https://meinmitmach.blogspot.com/2019/06/hoverflies-schwebefliegen.html>Mein Beitrag...</a>

  8. That's a lovely collage.

    All the best Jan


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