May 1, 2019

Purple Sky

It's the first of the month, so it's theme day for City Daily Photo. Today's theme is "Purple." I shot a bunch of purple flowers but they look pale on my screen, so I'm going with a purple sky. When I first uploaded it here, it looked almost black so I went back to Photoshop and lightened it just a half-shade or so. I hope you can see it as purple on your browser.

Also I hope you can see the rest of the outline of the moon. I saw it clearly when I enlarged this to lighten it but detail can get lost in small format.


  1. Hello, lovely colored sky and a beautiful moon capture.
    Enjoy your day!

  2. This is so beautiful, a wonderful photograph.

    All the best Jan

  3. Yes, I do see the purple sky and the moon. It shows very clearly on my screen. Nice shot!


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