May 2, 2019

Meanwhile, In Local News.

I've taken many pictures lately and I'm getting behind on sharing them, so here are a few.

1. This dandelion in a patch of phlox reminds me of the old song, "I'm a lonely little petunia in an onion patch." It does look out of place!

2. At last there's a sign along the Valley Pike directing you to the recycling site near Shenandoah County Park. I drove past that driveway for years before I learned this transfer point was there. I suggested that signage be improved a couple of times.

3. The gate below was surrounded by blossoming trees. We've had a beautiful spring.

3. Our state highway department plants flowers in median strips to make them pretty. These daffodils are along I-81.

4. A house along the Valley Pike caught fire a month ago. Investigators suspect arson but I have not heard of any arrests yet. Fortunately the tenants escaped without injury.

5. I spotted this artistic gate and wanted to share it with Gosia's Fence linkup.

7. Here's another fence, with pretty horses grazing behind it.

8. And for the finale, a nice pond and a white fence.


  1. Love the artistic gate...leaves going every which way. Thanks for the pretty flowers. Yep, there's the old Stars and Bars on the burned out house. Like it had anything to do with Confederacy!

  2. A nice varied selection Linda. The colors in your flower photo were vibrant, very pretty. We had two home fires in our area recently. One was caused by a barbecue and not sure about the other one. Glad no one was hurt in this house fire.

  3. The spring blooms have been gorgeous this year. I love the last two fence shots. Such pretty scenes.


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