May 24, 2019

Odds and Ends in Late May.

1. After the drive I shared in yesterday's post, we stopped in Wardensville for dinner. This display caught my eye.

2. This black and white photo is from many years ago, when President Reagan visited my workplace. We were allowed to take pictures, although cameras had to be checked over by the secret service.

Back in 2011, I shared another photo from that visit.

3. Construction has progressed on the new Seven Bends State Park. A picnic shelter is in place near the Lupton Road entrance, plus an almost-completed rest room.

4. Also at the new park, demolition of old buildings has been completed. Here we see the farm lane that once led to Camp Lupton.

5. Martins Food Stores have a new worker, a robot. Shoppers are startled as he moves around, checking the floor for spills. Children are excited to meet him!

6. The collage below shows wildflowers I saw today at Seven Bends State Park. The park will be very nice when it is completed, offering fishing, canoeing, hiking, biking, and outdoor education. There will not be RV camping because the access roads are quite narrow.

Floral Friday and Friday Bliss.


  1. Nice view from your drive. I too would be curious over the robot in the store. It is not something we get to see often. Very pretty collage of wild flowers you have seen. Have a great weekend!

  2. The flower arrangement in box is very summery and beautiful - never mind plastic :) Your collage pleases me very much.

  3. ...lots of neat things today Linda. I'm not sure about the robot though! Enjoy your weekend.

  4. So good to have a photo as a reminder of past events. I'm glad you were allowed to take this.

  5. Hello, I love the pretty flower arrangement in the 1st photo. Your mosaic is pretty too. It is cool you have a great photo of Pres. Reagan. Wishing you a happy Memorial Day weekend!

  6. I plan to visit Muse on Thursday I'll try to swing by and see what's new at our future park. Thanks for the preview.

  7. Super series of shots Linda, the robot in the library made me smile 😊

  8. I've never seen a robot like that. Interesting shots.


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