February 20, 2019

A Snowy Wednesday

Sharing with Wordless Wednesday


  1. What a beautiful bird cage in third photo...

  2. ...a beauty here today after a washout yesterday.

  3. Gorgeous shots! I live in Europe and we have snow!

  4. Hello, love your sweet birds. My favorite is the view of the water and mountains. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend ahead.

  5. I had thought, I am going to say this is my favorite, then then next one...and the next one. These are a great collection!

  6. Lovely snowy scenery and nice bird pics!

  7. That 4th mountain scene is remarkable

  8. Always love to see your birds and that pretty scenery.

  9. Here in the UK we are enjoying spring-like days, so it's strange to see snow … but I certainly enjoyed seeing all of your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  10. Lovely bird photos, but they look a little cold in the snow there.


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