December 21, 2018

Another Week Passes and It's Almost Christmas.

Willy Nilly Friday: Cell Phone Pics.

1. I've done enough complaining about all the rain we've had. 2018 is now the wettest year on record for the northern part of Virginia. It creates extra reflections, at least.

2. We toured a community in Bridgewater for retirement-age people. Not sure we are old enough or wealthy enough!

This black and white image is looking upward in their atrium.

3. I went with Lynn to her doctor appointment in Baltimore on Tuesday. This will be the last one for a while because she is cancer-free and has recovered from the multiple surgeries that it took to get well.

Doctor Chang's office has pink ribbons on their Christmas tree.

4. She bought me lunch at Cracker Barrel in Frederick. It was a late lunch, and by the time we came out, the sun was going down. After all, it was almost the shortest day of the year.

5. The last picture is a selfie with some of my birthday presents: a maroon jacket, a Civil War book edited by Professor Noyalas, and a shaker bottle. Lynn knew I needed the shaker because I lost one when we were in Baltimore in October for her surgery.


  1. Very attractive black and white. (I love your Skywatch tree!)

  2. Hope your birthday was wonderful. I enjoyed your photos

  3. ...your first images is what I've been seeing here this week, but I awoke this morning to a dusting of snow. If it lasts it will give us a white Christmas. Merry Christmas Linda.

  4. I love the reflections shot, rain sure does make for some reflection opportunities.
    I think retirement places fill a need, the secret is knowing when to make the decision so that you are the one deciding and having the opportunity to evaluate options.

  5. I love wet street reflections!

  6. Good eye to capture those multi-colored reflections!! Stay healthy!!

  7. I admit to not knowing what a shaker bottle is. Must be a great thing to have around, with whatever you like to drink. Happy belated birthday.

  8. That sundown shot is my favourite. We had a complete overcast and a mix of rain and snow through our solstice day.

  9. I love the black and white shot. Great news about Lynn. Happy Birthday!!

  10. Beautiful post.
    Merry Christmas.

  11. Good to read the news about Lynn
    Belated Birthday Wishes to you.

    I enjoyed your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  12. love the look of the atrium roof :)
    Happy holidays.


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