November 14, 2018

Ducks and Visitors

I spotted this duck pond not far from Middletown.

Speaking of ducks, some new ones were on the pond near our house. I grabbed a picture because they don't look like our resident mallards. Could they be visiting bufflehead ducks?  I'm not really familiar with buffleheads but I saw some on another blog recently. (I wish my photo was clearer by I took it through a window, hurriedly zooming before they swam out of sight, plus there was mist on the water.)

Canada geese have been visiting too. We have a few that stay all year, and large flocks that stop by as they migrate.

Our weather has turned cold and a "wintry mix" is forecast for tomorrow. I filled a bird feeder in the front yard and it didn't take long for some of the usual visitors to find it. I won't fill the feeders in the back yard yet because Mr. Bear wanders through there from time to time and he will destroy feeders to get the seed! In a few more weeks he should snuggle up somewhere for winter, so I can start putting out more feeders.


  1. Pretty view of the pond! Love your birds!
    I think your unidentified ducks may be Ring-necked Ducks. Google them and see what you think.
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Hello, love the Junco and Cardinal. I see Buffleheads and maybe two Ring-necked ducks. Great shots. Enjoy your day!

  3. great shots!! love the cardinal, always a fan. ( ;

  4. Lovely shots of your winged visitors. I've never heard of bufflehead ducks before.

  5. I hadn't heard of buffleheads either.

  6. they are a diving duck also so hard to pose

  7. Great collection of birds/ducks/geese. Enjoy the day!

  8. What a beautiful collection of photographs.

    All the best Jan


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