September 23, 2018

Rockingham County: Two Buildings.

Both of these are red and sturdy, and I seem to have photographed them from the same angle. First, Port Republic United Methodist Church.
InSpired Sunday / Shadow Shot Sunday.
Second, a barn at Lake Shenandoah. It appears to have been converted to some other use, at least on the lower level. The style is a bank barn, with a bank of earth built up on one side so that doors open at ground levels on both sides.
The Barn Collective.


  1. Both have their own kind of beauty. Nicely captured.

  2. Both very interesting and beautiful, too!
    Have a wonderful week!

  3. ...what a setting for that barn! WOW, what a sight. Thanks for sharing.

  4. The church architecture would not be out of place here.

  5. Beautiful church, I like the light that is shining on it. The location of the barn is absolutely beautiful.

  6. Liked both of these, but the location/setting for that barn is beautiful, and what a wonderful photograph.

    All the best Jan

  7. Peaceful photos! Thanks for joining in the fun at Shadow Shot Sunday 2!

  8. Nice pictures! I like the reflection of the barn in the water.


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