July 4, 2018

Critters with Red, White, and Blue.

It's Independence Day here in the States. Frank wanted to go to a parade but a thunderstorm hit just as it was time to drive there so we stayed home.

I picked out some photos with red, white, and blue in them, starting with Flash and then a robin.

I hope you had a fun day!
Sharing with Wild Bird Wednesday.


  1. Very nice shots. Hope you had a good day.

  2. Hello, love the cute dogs. I hope you had a happy 4th. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  3. Good to see the red white and blue in different forms!

  4. Love your photos. Sorry you missed the parade.

  5. I needed a flag shirt this year but didn't find a good one. Wore the colors instead

  6. Nice seeing the cute dogs on the 4th. Flash looks very comfortable.

  7. Great set of photos... Sorry about your rain... We didn't have rain --but we had EXTREME HEAT... Yuk!!!!!

    Hope you did have a good 4th.

  8. What a great collection of photographs.
    Love the one with Flash.

    All the best Jan

  9. Nice red, white, and blue shots. Flash looks like he is taking it easy.


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