April 3, 2018

The Old Harmony Hollow School, Warren County.

Sharing with Tuesday Treasures and Wordless Wednesday on Tuesday.


  1. ...one room schoolhouses haven't changed much over time. The Amish build similar school today. Thanks Linda for sharing, enjoy your day.

  2. I love the names of back country roads - they are often enchanting.
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2018/04/biltmore-estate-in-bloom.html

  3. We don't have "hollows" here in Minnesota. It must be due to our staid North European ancestry...:)

  4. Not that different from the old one room schoolhouses here.

    The only spot I can think of here that went by the name hollow was a river valley in the area near where I grew up.

    1. Yes, a hollow is a valley, or sometimes just a ravine. Farther back in the mountains it's called a holler.

  5. Neat picture. I visited a one room school house once. Everything inside was kept as it would have looked when it was first built and used. It was quite interesting.

  6. Nice to see it is still standing.


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