April 15, 2018

Pike Mennonite Church

This brick church overlooks the Valley Pike (U.S. 11), south of Harrisonburg. It was first established in 1825 and was then known as "Moyers Church."  The original building was destroyed by fire long ago.


  1. Looks a modern building like an office rather than a church but I have noticed others like that in the US

  2. Wouldn´t have thought of a church - I´m old-fashioned ;-)

  3. ...and Route 11 continues up to my next of the woods.

  4. Its style would not be out of place in some churches I've seen here.

  5. It is like the new churches here. Nice photos.

  6. Looks like a new church in my area. Nicely built.

  7. They live simply and their whorship buildings are plain. My brother and my sister in law go to a Mennonite church in Powhatan Va. which is a wood structure. I must say they do like get together s and right there if a helping hand is needed. I like the picture you have of the one in Harrisonburg Virginia.

  8. I like the brick. Nice looking newer church.


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