April 10, 2018

Baker's Store in Mt. Olive.


  1. Ohh this looks like one of those places you just have to visit to see what they are selling! Ice creams, drinks, fresh farm eggs etc? I reckon you could pass a good hour just sitting watching the world go by! Thanks for visiting my new blog - much appreciated!
    Wren x

    1. Yes, that is the sort of things they offer.

  2. ...what a great look back, neat to see that it's still operating. Thanks linda for stopping by, enjoy your week.

  3. Love the porch, and hitching post kind of railing...well, that's just what comes to my mind.

  4. This looks as if it has been around for awhile. I could probably spend hours just browsing

  5. i would love to see the inside and walk on the not-level floor!!

  6. It has a cute, old-timey look about it!

  7. Such a grand old place. When I was a kid, we lived in a house much like this one. Lots of good memories!
    Thanks for linking up at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2018/04/bedtime-at-biltmore.html

  8. is mt olive the same is in the pickles brand?

  9. Guess all homemade, maybe a family-business. Looks like they sell yummy things!

  10. Definitely one of those places that you can't just drive past!

  11. I'd have fun browsing in there.


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