March 9, 2018

Skies, Signs, Seeing.

Willy Nilly Friday.

1. Previously I mentioned the 4-H Center. Here's a section of one of their buildings with a windmill on the roof. 
Black and White Weekend.
2. The 4-H Center is open to the public but there are warning signs, including "Caution: Future Leaders of the World at Work and Play."

3. Ever sharpen your focus using your fingers to bend the light? I do this when I just need to read one thing, like a label or a phone number.

4. Forsythia is blooming here so I guess spring is really on the way!
Sharing with Floral Friday.

5. A colorful sky is a nice way to end the day.
Sharing with Skywatch and Orange You Glad It's Friday.


  1. Lovely series of photos. You know I've never sharpened my focus for a very long time. I never thought to try it for a real need. I think we (I) used to do this a lot as a child.

  2. Wonderful sunset, and lovely Spring flowers!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Great black and white - excellent contrast!

  4. Relating to #3, looking very closely to the top rim of glasses also enhance focus. Lovely photo of the windmill!

  5. Gorgeous sunset sky. Just look at all that color!

  6. ...a beautiful ending to the day.

  7. I like the signs at the 4-H center. Nice sunset!

  8. gorgeous share, love to see those early blooms

  9. It's good to know that the 4H center is so busy teaching kids about real life.

  10. I love your colorful sky, I am kind of puzzling over using fingers to focus better but I am for whatever works.

  11. Forsythia - a spring favorite from my days living in Ohio - I do miss it!

  12. Beautiful sunset. So nice to see the forsythia in bloom!

  13. Now that sunset is just wonderful ...

    All the best Jan

  14. Love the roof with the windmill..OK I remember doing that as a kid just to make silly faces but didn't know there was an actual purpose to it...I've been sitting here now trying it out! That's so interesting! Thanks for linking Linda!! 🤗


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