March 8, 2018

Remount Depot Restoration

Remount Depot was established in 1909 for the purpose of supplying the U.S. Army with horses. Virginia was known for horse breeding, and this rural location near Front Royal was selected as one of four horse centers in the country. By the outbreak of World War I, this center comprised 4,200 acres.

A portion of the old facility is now used by the 4-H Educational Center, and they are restoring these buildings as an equestrian center. Large portions of the old Remount Depot are still owned by the government and used by the Smithsonian and by the US Customs Canine Training Program.

Across the road from the 4-H Center is this creek.

Sharing with Fences Around the World and Seasons


  1. Very Interesting!
    Have a great day!

  2. ...I've heard that there are more horses in the US today than in 1900. We have horse farms everywhere around here.

    1. Interesting! We have tons of them here in Virginia too.

  3. That'll be a good use of the premises.

  4. Interesting! I like the no-nonsense fencing.

  5. a reminder that horses were a big part of the army back then. i like the capture of the gate/fence!!

  6. It's nice to see it's still be used and restored.

  7. At first I wondered, why is there a fence over the water, but then I realized horses are smart, they know how to escape:):)Thank you for sharing this with All Seasons:)
    You're lucky you still got on the linky list - sometimes the dates revert back to 6 days (without me knowing it!) have a great weekend!


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