November 27, 2017

Late November Randoms

The Good: The Lighting of the Murals was held November 18 in Strasburg. The town's various murals were lit by floodlights and people strolled around enjoying them. 

Sharing with Monday Murals
In addition to this deer mural on Fort Street, there's one by Nick D'Auria, the maze mural across from the library, a family painting near the Emporium, and a double mural.

The Random: I made four trips to Dulles over Thanksgiving weekend. Frank flew out to Tacoma to visit his daughter's family, and Marie came here. Dulles Airport, of course, was a very busy place.

The Fun: Recently we stopped by the Highland Festival in Kernstown. It was too cold to stay very long but it was interesting to see the traditional Scottish games.

Sharing with Mosaic Monday


  1. Some good randomness going on here this week. I don't think I'd have stayed to watch the games for very long either, those ladies look very cold despite the blankets!

  2. ...I just saw a show about the 10 most important building in America and the Dulles terminal is one of them.

    1. Really? Because of the architecture or because of it's proximity to DC?

  3. Hello, I love the mural. Great photos.
    Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  4. I'm surprised they'd have the highland games in November. A couple of spots here in Ontario have Scottish games, but held in August.

    1. They had some in the summer too at the same place. Demand must of been very high because they offered another go-round. I think this was a different group.

  5. Bacana o mural todo iluminado!

  6. How nice to be able to look out your window and see this mural. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  7. Love the lights on the mural and the Highland Festival looks fun.

    All the best Jan

  8. Murals provide a lot of interest to towns. Lighting up the mural is a great idea.


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